Saturday, August 17, 2013

Chicken Pesto Suddenly Salad

Start with this version of Betty Crocker's Suddenly Salad, and add in chicken, peppers, and pesto!

1) Make the pasta salad as the box directs.

2) While the pasta is being made, cook chicken. (You can use either one or 2 chicken breasts, and can marinate it or not. I had Caesar dressing in the fridge, so I marinated this breast in that overnight, and then pounded the chicken to help it cook faster.) 

3) Chop the chicken into cubes. When pasta is cooked and drained, add chicken to pasta mix, and then add the pasta and chicken to the oil/water/seasoning mix from the box directions.

4) Meanwhile, prepare lettuce, chopped red bell pepper, and green onion. You can use either romaine or iceberg. I usually use romaine, but had iceberg leftover from our Chinese chicken salad. You can also substitute the pepper with tomato, but I like the crunch of the pepper!

5) At this point you will simply add the pasta mixture and lettuce/peppers/onions together with desired amount of pesto dressing. 

Be careful when adding the pesto in, because I've noticed if you add too much, it becomes to overpowering, and wilts the lettuce.

After it is all tossed together... I like to chill it for at least an hour... this meal is perfect for leftovers, and is usually quite filling! I like to top it with Parmesan cheese... and... ENJOY!!

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