Thursday, July 25, 2013
I like to share my dinner creations on various social media sites, as I'm sure most of you already know! After a few "Can I have the recipe to that dinner you posted?" messages, or "How did you make that!?" comments, I thought... HEY! I should just blog about my cooking experiences, which is a continual learning process for me. Why not share with others who may be looking for new fast & easy dinners for their boyfriend/husband/kids/parents/girlfriend/wife... WHOEVER! Now, I am by no means a pro in the kitchen, but I thoroughly enjoy cooking! I have been learning from different people and enjoy watching cooking shows! My mom has taught me everything I know when it comes to cost saving ideas, portion sizes, and most importantly... all the cooking basics. Along the way, I have picked up some great advice from my brother and mother-in-law who have taught me to not fear unique ingredients (that I most of the time can't even pronounce) and to embrace exotic dishes! I like to take recipes that look good, and tweak them to mine and my husband's liking, while also figuring out ways to cut cost and time! I hope this blog can help you enthusiastically answer that dreaded question... "HONEY, WHAT'S FOR DINNER?"
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